Orbicularis oculi,
Orbicularis oris,
Gluteus maximus,
Gluteus minimus...
Hampir sahaja aku memuntahkan kembali perkataan-perkataan yang sudah di hadam di kepala ini lantaran ketidakserasiannya dengan kondisi aku sekarang ini. Mana taknya muscle's face sahaja sudah berbelas-belas namanya, ini nak menghafal nama muscle from head to toe, plus belum lagi di tambah dengan nama-nama bones yang ntah apa-apa ntah. Ko gila ke apa na hafal semua ni?.. Dah la nama berbelit-belit lidah na menyebutnya, na menghafalnya lagila, memang tak lekat kat kepala yang tak la berapa kuat memorinya ni...
Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Cell biology, Lab Mathematics.
Wah! Ini memang academic package untuk first semester and first year student of Biomedical Science macam aku ni. Ni namanya course yang kaw- kaw punye menghafal except untuk student medic and dental. Itu memang tak boleh lawanla~
Then, time lab practical , kami diajar how to handle machines especially spectrophotometre, respiratory-metre( haha..actually aku pun dah lupa apa nama betulnya, but anyway machine tu memang cool because betul-betul nampak macam hospital punye machine siap boleh wat graph lagi^^), how to make staining, Rat dissection( kesian betul tikus-tikus tu), and the most challenging part is to study the real muscle and bone of human from The Dead Body! Serious memang scary! pastu The Dead Body tu bukannya sempurna, ada yang da takde kaki, and then kitorang kene pulak pegang lungs, heart, intestine and diaphragm dia. Sejuk!
The most miracle part is that saya tak pengsan, pitam, or perkataan yang seangkatan dengannya pun bila saya nampak The Dead Body tu. Kuat juga saya rupanya ^^.. Mula-mula tengok adela rasa berdebar sikit, sikit je la, tapi pastu cool je la~ maybe sebab masa tu ramai, so the feel of scary tu hilang terbang melayang-layang..
In the short form Physiology...haha.. Rase macam nak wat satu special entry je pasal Physiology ni coz banyak sangat ceritanya. In overall, yes, this subject is really really awesome, I like it! The study of how our body functioning. Subhanallah! It's really miracle especially when it's come into neurone and heart. It's too complicated but amazing. But, here the problem goes, each time when the question ask how the heart function? Which one is sympathetic and which one are parasympathetic, they make me blur, and then as usual i failed to answer correctly. How sad~ The major problem is i can't link what lecturer's teach and it's application. Yeah, University style of teaching, lecturers just teach the theory and concept of something, and then, in the real exam, only 30% of what lecturers have taught come out, the rest? It's application!
"There are three ways on how substance can pass through the cell. Diffusion, Symport, and Antiport" the theory.
"Explain why porridge is healthier or more nutritious when we add some more salt compare with less salt?" the question.
See the different? haihh.. Yeah, Physiology make me sick~
Indeed, study is not easy, In Islam it's called "Jihad", and i remember one of the hadith mentioned that whoever takes a way to study or to learn, Allah make his way easier to Jannah. MashaAllah! How big the reward given to whom that study lillahitaala. There is no easy way to success until we face all the failures with sabr and tawakal. Agree? :)
And alhamdulillah, saya lulus all of the subjects even not straight A's, at least i not repeat. Physiology = C!
Inilah perjuangan sepanjang peng-study-an saya sepanjang sem 1. Satu kondisi yang masih membara semangat perjuangan untuk menuntut ilmu walaupun ada ketikanya hampir putus asa. Semoga perjuangan ini semakin success untuk sem yang seterusnya. Aamiin~
to be continued, InsyaAllah^^
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Coincidentally, terjumpa gambar ni , tema program JUMP. |
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