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Qaroon !!!

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. lets set our intention to be for the sake of Allah. Otherwise, it's gonna be a waste..

Our speaker tonight is Sheikh Mohamed Sarfaraz..

Ya Allah, grant us with the beneficial knowledge. And bless us with the sincerity in our heart.

The topic tonight is on Qaroon. The wealthy man.

The reason that Allah has told the story of Qaroon in the Quran, is for us to learn.

Allah blessed Qaroon not only with wealth, but also the knowledge of Taurat, and beauty

But is that the spiritual beauty that Qaroon had?

Qaroon transgressed against Bani Israil.. He had jealousy buried inside his heart towards Harun.

Qaroon wasn't grateful for what he had. He accused Allah for being unjust to him. Astaghfirullah.

When Allah sent Musa with a sign to Firaun and Qaroon, They said Musa as a liar.

Talking about the blessing given by Allah, are we being grateful when we wake up in the morning?

It doesn't mean that we can't enjoy the duniya,instead, be grateful to Allah, do not over enjoy it. Our goal is the akhirah

When someone reminds us on something good, that's a blessing from Allah, that is the reminder from Allah

When Qaroon was reminded about the blessing given by Allah, he denied it. He felt superior.

When Allah ordered Bani Israil to give zakah, people looked at Qaroon as the wealthy man.

But Qaroon refused to give some of his wealth as zakah.

Qaroon tried so hard to not pay the zakah. One of his ways was to eliminate Musa. So no one was gonna ask him for zakah

So he ordered his followers to plan for accusing Musa for committing zinah

Qaroon also kept trying to mislead people. And Musa tried to remind him

But Qaroon made a drama in front of people. He accused Musa for committing zinah. He hired a woman to be the false witness

But mashaAllah, it was Allah who changed the heart of that woman. She refused to give the false statement.

Pride and arrogance destroyed Qaroon.

Pride is when we're considering ourselves better than others. This was what went wrong with Qaroon

When Qaroon claimed that the wealth he had was because of his work, ability, knowledge

And sometimes we dont realize when we're being so proud until someone else reminds us

Do good to people like Allah did good to you.

When Allah blesses us with knowledge and wealth, it can be a test for us

If we're being grateful, indeed we're doing good for ourselves,If we're being ungrateful, we're doing damage for ourselves

Islam doesn't ask us to divorce the duniya and go climbing the hills for meditation

But Islam asks us to balance the duniya and our goal of akhirah

Islam doesn't condemn the wealth. But Islam does teach us to spend the wealth on the path of Allah

We're asking for hidayah in our prayer through Al Fatihah.. hidayah is something we work on to achieve!

Before ending the session, lets pray that Allah grants us with the blessing of being grateful to Allah..

#sengaja buat koleksi, sayang kalau tak kutip ilmu ni, kalau bukan untuk diri sendiri, moga bermanfaat untuk si pembaca..

making investion..^_^..

fi hifzillah..:)


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